Install MySQL Using Docker
this. If you need a refresher on why Docker is important, and what some of the possibilities are, read this.
This post is going to assume that you have already installed Docker on Ubuntu. It’s important to note here: I usually prefer using a PaaS service for databases in general such as AWS RDS. But, this is a very good lesson on easily installing MySQL.
Keep us logged in as root
Download the MySql image from Docker
Next we want to start MySQL
Once the you get the MySQL container running, you can double check the status and container ID
Installing MySQL into a container gives you amazing flexibility in future tasks. It’s very easy to migrate to other machines, or scale horizontally.
In order to follow along in this post please review my post showing how to install MySQL using Docker
First things first, lets login as root to save us from having to type sudo.
Once that is out of the way, we are going to download the WordPress image
This next step is very simple, but can require a little bit of research if you want to get very customized.
The –name option is going to name our container. The –link option is going to tell this container to link with the container we created previously. The -p option is going to map the internal port with the external port (-p host port:container port). So in my case, I used 80:80 to tell it that I want to map my host port 80 to the internal container port 80.
The options for this particular image can be located here
If you haven’t previously installed MySQL, I recommend using the Tutum Image
This post will show you how to install WordPress using Docker. We
will also link our WordPress container to the MySQL container that we
created in the previous post. This will give us the capabilities to
scale each group of containers separately. Meaning we can scale the
database, as well as the WordPress front end separately giving us much
more flexibility.
MySQL is one of the most common open source databases available
today. We are going to go through how to install MySQL using Docker. If
you need refreshing on how to install Docker on ubuntu read This post is going to assume that you have already installed Docker on Ubuntu. It’s important to note here: I usually prefer using a PaaS service for databases in general such as AWS RDS. But, this is a very good lesson on easily installing MySQL.
Keep us logged in as root
sudo su
Download the MySql image from Docker
docker pull mysql:latest
Next we want to start MySQL
docker run --name test-mysql -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD='test' -d mysql
This is pretty self explanatory, everything behind the –name tag is
the name of the container that will be created. The -d tag allows us to
choose which image we want to run.Once the you get the MySQL container running, you can double check the status and container ID
docker ps -l
Installing MySQL into a container gives you amazing flexibility in future tasks. It’s very easy to migrate to other machines, or scale horizontally.
Install WordPress Using Docker
In order to follow along in this post please review my post showing how to install MySQL using Docker
Install WordPress using Docker
First things first, lets login as root to save us from having to type sudo.
sudo su
Once that is out of the way, we are going to download the WordPress image
docker pull wordpress:latest
This next step is very simple, but can require a little bit of research if you want to get very customized.
docker run --name test-wordpress --link test-mysql:mysql -p 80:80 -d wordpress
The –name option is going to name our container. The –link option is going to tell this container to link with the container we created previously. The -p option is going to map the internal port with the external port (-p host port:container port). So in my case, I used 80:80 to tell it that I want to map my host port 80 to the internal container port 80.
The options for this particular image can be located here
If you haven’t previously installed MySQL, I recommend using the Tutum Image
Osupniscan_hi Kaela Garcia
0gnosatsump_riDes Moines Dave Gomez link
inimbritgi Kimberly Gordon
torgiVduose-Milwaukee Jonny Pearson Squirrels Reflector
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