Install MySQL Server 5.6 on CentOS 7 / RHEL 7 / Oracle Linux 7

In CentOS 7/ RHEL 7 , now MariaDB is introduced as a defualt database. Still many Organisations/Company would like to continue with MySQL. Whereas System Admin who earlier worked on MySQL can easily work on MariaDB. MariaDB is a community-developed fork of the MySQL relational database management system.
MariaDB’s lead developer is Michael “Monty” Widenius, the founder of MySQL and Monty Program AB. He had previously sold his company, MySQL AB, to Sun Microsystems for US$1 billion. MariaDB is named after Monty’s younger daughter, Maria. (Reference taken from Wikipedia)

Install MySQL Server 5.6 on CentOS 7 / RHEL 7

Follow the given below steps to install MySQL Server 5.6 .
You must be login with root user in system

Download the Yum Repo package of MySQL Server 5.6

Download the rpm package, which will create a yum repo file for MySQL Server installation.

yum install wget

Delete mysql libraries
#rm -r /lib64/mysql

Install mysql-community-release-el7-5.noarch.rpm package

Install this downloaded rpm package by using rpm command.
After the installation of this package. We will get two new yum repo related to MySQL

Installing MySQL Server

By using yum command, now we will install MySQL Server 5.6 . All dependencies will be installed itself.

How to start/stop/restart MySQL Server

Now MySQL Server is installed on your system.

To start MySQL Service
, run command
To stop MySQL Service, run command
To restart MySQL Service, run command
To get status of MySQL Service, run command

Reset MySQL root password

On fresh installation of MySQL Server. The MySQL root user password is blank.
For good security practice, we should reset the password MySQL root user.
On newly installed MySQL Server, we generally recommend to use the command script. You have to just follow the instructions.
In another method,you can log into MySQL server database and reset the password in secure way.
You will see mysql prompt like this mysql> . Use the below given commands to reset root’s password.
