Virtualization Technology with Docker

New Linux Container Virtualization Technology from Docker


Docker is an open-source engine that automates the deployment of any application as a lightweight, portable, self-sufficient container that will run virtually anywhere.

The Docker, new container-based virtualization tech startup has started it’s venture to the server virtualization industry by offering their newest version of the software, the Docker 0.8. The company has been known for their production of a faster alternative when it comes to running virtual machines over that of hypervisors.


Docker es un proyecto de software libre que permite la automatización de despliegue de aplicaciones dentro de contenedores, esto provee una capa adicional en la virtualización a nivel de sistema operativo en Linux. Docker usa recursos del sistemas totalmente aislados, función que la provee cgroups en Linux desde la versión 2.6.29, también se utilizan nombre de espacios en el kernel para la ejecución de instancias simples de Linux o también llamadas "contenedores" LXC (Linux Containers). En las últimas versiones de Docker se ha introducido drivers de Docker y una librería llamada libcontainer, que ayuda a que Docker sea totalmente multiplataforma, teniendo compatibilidad con Windows y Mac OS X, además de Linux.

El proyecto Docker ha recibido gran acogida por parte de la comunidad, y actualmente servicios como AWS (Amazon Web Service) dan soporte a esta tecnología.

El futuro de los SysAdmin y DevOps
Actualmente la mayoría de los sistemas en internet se ejecutan en servidores dedicados exclusivamente o en sistemas de computación en la nube, y hosting compartido. Pero gracias al desarollo del kernel Linux tenemos la posibilidad de tener entornos aislados de Linux, inclusive de una distribución distinta a la que esté instalada en el host, esto nos permitirá tener entornos virtualizados sin necesidad de virtualizar a través de hardware o software, aprovechando los recursos de la máquina en las aplicaciones que se ejecuten.

Con Docker todo esto se convierte en algo sencillo de hacer, así como VirtualBox lleva la virtualización a más personas, Docker lleva el uso de contenedores a más personas. El proyecto es joven, su primer release se publicó en el 2013, y actualmente se encuentra en la versión 1.2.

Antes de seguir hablando de Docker, es bueno definir el término "imágenes", dentro de Docker una imagen es una instancia de Linux básica o preconfigurada con las aplicaciones que queremos ejecutar.

Esto básicamente es una infraestructura sobre Docker, donde se tiene el motor de Docker (Docker Engine), que nos permite realizar todas las acciones sobre las imágenes que descarguemos o construyamos y dentro de las imágenes se encuentran las librerías, binarios que necesitamos y las aplicaciones.

Ya sabemos técnicamente que es Docker, pero, ¿Para qué me sirve?
El principal objetivo de Docker es simplificar la infraestructura de aplicaciones, para su despliegue y distribución, es decir, que si yo logro implementar Docker en una aplicación puedo distribuir ese contenedor entre otros desarrolladores (sin importar que sistema operativo usen), reduciendo el tiempo de implementación en desarrollo y producción dentro del equipo de trabajo, de esta manera la brecha entre desarrolladores y administradores de sistemas se vuelve más pequeña.

Docker da la posibilidad de tener todo el entorno para la aplicación y publicar los cambios que se realicen fácilmente, además de hacer todo el despliegue en producción de una manera bastante fácil y profesional.

Otra cosa que el proyecto nos ofrece es un repositorio de imágenes al estilo Github, Docker se convierte en el Github de los SysAdmin y DevOps, este componente del proyecto se llama Registry o Docker Hub y desde cualquier lugar podemos, crear, compartir y consumir imágenes creadas por nosotros o por terceros

The Concept of Docker

For the benefit of those who are not that familiar with this technology’s concept, 'Docker’ is an application container that offers a way to package as well as compact an application in a virtual container, thereby allowing the running across all different Linux distributions.
Pioneered by Hykes, Docker was first introduced in March 2013 as an internal application for PaaS company dotCloud.
Because of its innovative nature, the application has attracted and generated a lot of interest from its target market, thereby pushing the company to even re-brand it from dotCloud in to Docker Inc. Later in the process, the software hasgained US$15 million in venture capital investment from its Greylock Partners.
Although the basic idea of this application is to be PaaS-centric, the company has seen the need to transform it into a platform and has now been downloaded for over 400,000 times by a lot of different companies and organizations from the IT industry and offered by giants like Google Compute Engine (GCE) as well as the Red Hat for the beta version of their distribution.

Docker vs. Traditional Virtual Machines?

Just like the virtual machines concept, a container is designed in order to hold an application thereby relieving the developer from worrying about setting up the underlying system software. I’m aware that’s not much of an argument as VM’s can be cloned, in like, 2 seconds time.
However, unlike full virtual machines, Docker containers do not include a fully-blown OS but instead, it shares the OS with the host.
In this set up, containers can be way faster as well as less resource-hungry as compared to hypervisor-based virtualization technoloigies we have today.
Moreover, when compared to a virtual machine, containers can be simply launched and initiated in matter of seconds.
For the Docker technology, it is estimated that contained application can run about two times faster than those running in traditional virtual machine; more containers can also be packaged into a single server since the OS is not doubled for each application that is present in the system.
Additional edge of this new virtualization technology is that it is based on simplicity and it offers an API which administrators can make use of in order to weave images into a bigger scripted workflow.

The New Technology and It’s Improvements

This new technology is primarily manufactured in order to cater and accommodate enterprise-based utilization by different companies. According to Docker mastermind, Solomon Hykes, such recent invention is made in order to release features that evolve the backseat to quality.
Docker team realizes and acknowledges the fact that some companies that are using it are looking forward to putting the software into mission critical roles, which is why they are ensuring to make it in a much higher quality and more comprehensive as much as possible.
It is of the company’s knowledge that the concept of containers among their customers has encouraged them to embrace a lot of abilities and potentials to run lightweight portable applications that often have low overhead and are easily scaled and movable across cloud and even physical infrastructures. TT
More of the improvements in the recent version, the 0.8, have been focused on making the software faster in such a way that containers as well as images can be deleted from a system in a quicker manner. Furthermore, it is also observed that the daemon begins and stops faster so as with building sources images. Added is the caching layer, being the most requested feature that can eliminate the necessity to upload the image from a disk again when it has not been modified.
Having a smaller memory footprint and the ability to make a bigger number of containers as well as the elimination of many race conditions also made the new version of this cutting-edge software more stable.

Overwhelming Additional Features

Aside from the mentioned perks above, the 0.8 version also boasts its capability to create container on an OSXworkstation as it provides a smaller virtual machine known as the Boot2Docker. This is definitely a huge leap for developers who are conducting local testing and development.
Although the system is primarily crafted to run on Linux, it is now being reconfigured as a plug-in infrastructure thereby allowing it to operate on other platforms including Windows expanding it’s coverage when it comes to making others experience its full features. For the first time, this software was also crafted to support experimental BTRFS.

Future Plans

With the incredible and highly significant interest posed by their clients, Docker is planning on updating the software once a month, with their next release of 0.9 version.
Additionally, the company is also looking forward to a full production-ready v1, which is planned to be released on April. And to further ensure that their product is being state-of-the-art, Docker is also reviewing and investigating various mechanisms in order to commercialize the open source technology under the Apache license thus fund future development.
They are also planning on developing the services for signing images, indexing as well as making private registries for the images. The company will also provide commercial support.

Installing Docker - CentOS-7

you must first disable selinux

Change SELINUX=enforcing
# This file controls the state of SELinux on the system.
# SELINUX= can take one of these three values:
#     enforcing - SELinux security policy is enforced.
#     permissive - SELinux prints warnings instead of enforcing.
#     disabled - No SELinux policy is loaded.
# SELINUXTYPE= can take one of these two values:
#     targeted - Targeted processes are protected,
#     mls - Multi Level Security protection.
to SELINUX=disabled
# This file controls the state of SELinux on the system.
# SELINUX= can take one of these three values:
#       enforcing - SELinux security policy is enforced.
#       permissive - SELinux prints warnings instead of enforcing.
#       disabled - SELinux is fully disabled.
# SELINUXTYPE= type of policy in use. Possible values are:
#       targeted - Only targeted network daemons are protected.
#       strict - Full SELinux protection.
This will disable SELinux on your next reboot.


To install Docker on Oracle Linux 6:

  1. Enable the ol6_addons channel in /etc/yum.repos.d/public-yum-ol6.repo
  2. Run:
    # yum install docker

To install Docker on Oracle Linux 7:

  1. Enable the ol7_addons channel in /etc/yum.repos.d/public-yum-ol7.repo
  2. Run:
    # yum install docker

Enable btrfs support

Docker uses device-mapper devices as the default storage engine. To switch to using btrfs as the storage engine, ensure that /var/lib/docker is mounted on a btrfs filesystem. Check Chapter 5 of the Oracle Linux Administrator's Solutions Guide for more details on how to create and mount btrfs filesystems.
To enable btrfs support for Docker on Oracle Linux:
  1. Ensure that /var/lib/docker is on a btrfs filesystem
  2. Edit /etc/sysconfig/docker and add "-s btrfs" to the other_args fields.
  3. Restart the Docker daemon:
    # service docker restart

Enabling and starting Docker

To enable the Docker daemon on system boot and start Docker on OL6:
# chkconfig docker on
# service docker start
To enable the Docker daemon on system boot and start Docker on OL7:
# systemctl enable docker.service
# systemctl start docker.service

      Checking Docker status

      To check that Docker is up and running on OL6:
      # service docker status
      To check that Docker is up and running on OL7:
      # systemctl status docker.service
      You can also get more information from Docker itself:
      # docker info
      # docker version
      Once you have Docker up and running, follow the upstream Docker documentation to get started.

      Known Issues

      Docker unmounts btrfs filesystems on shutdown

      If you're running Docker using the btrfs storage engine and you stop the Docker service, it will unmount the btrfs filesystem during the shutdown process. You should ensure the filesystem is mounted properly prior to restarting the Docker service. On Oracle Linux 7, you can use a systemd.mount definition and modify the Docker systemd.service to depend on the btrfs mount defined in systemd.

      SElinux support with btrfs on Oracle Linux 7

      SElinux must be set to Permissive or Disabled in order to use the btrfs storage engine on Oracle Linux 7.

      Docker is included in the CentOS-Extras repository. You can simply run

      yum install docker

      Once docker is installed, you will need to start the service in order to use it.
      service docker start
      chkconfig docker on # start the docker service on boot

      Installing Docker - CentOS-6

      Installing Docker on CentOS-6 requires the use of the EPEL repository. Once you have enabledEPEL you may continue with the rest of the installation

      To install docker on CentOS-6 install the docker-io package with the following command:
      yum install docker-io

      service docker start
      chkconfig docker on # start the docker service on boot

      Using Docker

      By default, docker must be run as root, or via sudo privileges. You may also allow a user to run docker directly by adding the user to the 'docker' group.
      Be aware that this may allow for privilege escalation for that user, should they escape the container.

      usermod -a -G docker <your-user>

      To get the official CentOS images in the Docker Index :

      docker pull centos

      To verify the images have been fetched locally:

      [root@lappy ~]# docker images centos
      REPOSITORY          TAG                 IMAGE ID            CREATED             VIRTUAL SIZE
      centos              centos7             1a7dc42f78ba        6 hours ago         236.4 MB
      centos              latest              1a7dc42f78ba        6 hours ago         236.4 MB
      centos              centos6             cd934e0010d5        18 hours ago        206.9 MB

      Running a basic cat command using docker:

      [root@lappy ~]# docker run centos:latest cat /etc/centos-release
      CentOS Linux release 7.0.1406 (Core)

      Running other basic cat command using docker:

      [root@lappy ~]# docker run -p 80:80 -i -t ubuntu1410:apache /bin/bash

      Docker Images

      The Docker images are built using ami_creator with the kickstart files in the sig-cloud-instance-build project
      The finished builds can be found in the sig-cloud-images project, branched per version.

      How to Run Apache Under Docker on centos 7

      Grab Centos image from Docker repo

      sudo docker pull centos
      Start new container based on centos Image

      sudo docker run -i -t centos /bin/bash
      Install LAMP packages inside container Environment

      $ yum install httpd php php-common php-cli php-pdo php-mysql php-xml php-mbstring mysql mysql-server
      $ Exit
      Snapshot to a new image called LAMP
      sudo docker commit 6751f9bcb5c5 LAMP
      Run Container 
      sudo docker run -i -t -p 80:80 LAMP /bin/bash 
       #bash-4.2# /usr/sbin/httpd   *Para arrancar el servicio.
      List the containers on the machine:
      #sudo docker ps -a
      Save the containers as a new image:
      #sudo docker commit conntainerid yourimagename

      Network Configuration


      When Docker starts, it creates a virtual interface named docker0 on the host machine. It randomly chooses an address and subnet from the private range defined by RFC 1918 that are not in use on the host machine, and assigns it to docker0. Docker made the choice when I started it a few minutes ago, for example — a 16-bit netmask providing 65,534 addresses for the host machine and its containers.
      Note: This document discusses advanced networking configuration and options for Docker. In most cases you won't need this information. If you're looking to get started with a simpler explanation of Docker networking and an introduction to the concept of container linking see the Docker User Guide.
      But docker0 is no ordinary interface. It is a virtual Ethernet bridge that automatically forwards packets between any other network interfaces that are attached to it. This lets containers communicate both with the host machine and with each other. Every time Docker creates a container, it creates a pair of “peer” interfaces that are like opposite ends of a pipe — a packet sent on one will be received on the other. It gives one of the peers to the container to become its eth0 interface and keeps the other peer, with a unique name like vethAQI2QT, out in the namespace of the host machine. By binding every veth* interface to the docker0 bridge, Docker creates a virtual subnet shared between the host machine and every Docker container.
      The remaining sections of this document explain all of the ways that you can use Docker options and — in advanced cases — raw Linux networking commands to tweak, supplement, or entirely replace Docker's default networking configuration.

      Quick Guide to the Options

      Here is a quick list of the networking-related Docker command-line options, in case it helps you find the section below that you are looking for.
      Some networking command-line options can only be supplied to the Docker server when it starts up, and cannot be changed once it is running:
      There are two networking options that can be supplied either at startup or when docker run is invoked. When provided at startup, set the default value that docker run will later use if the options are not specified:
      Finally, several networking options can only be provided when calling docker run because they specify something specific to one container:
      The following sections tackle all of the above topics in an order that moves roughly from simplest to most complex.

      Configuring DNS

      How can Docker supply each container with a hostname and DNS configuration, without having to build a custom image with the hostname written inside? Its trick is to overlay three crucial /etc files inside the container with virtual files where it can write fresh information. You can see this by running mount inside a container:
      $$ mount
      /dev/disk/by-uuid/1fec...ebdf on /etc/hostname type ext4 ...
      /dev/disk/by-uuid/1fec...ebdf on /etc/hosts type ext4 ...
      tmpfs on /etc/resolv.conf type tmpfs ...
      This arrangement allows Docker to do clever things like keep resolv.conf up to date across all containers when the host machine receives new configuration over DHCP later. The exact details of how Docker maintains these files inside the container can change from one Docker version to the next, so you should leave the files themselves alone and use the following Docker options instead.
      Four different options affect container domain name services.
      • -h HOSTNAME or --hostname=HOSTNAME — sets the hostname by which the container knows itself. This is written into /etc/hostname, into /etc/hosts as the name of the container's host-facing IP address, and is the name that /bin/bash inside the container will display inside its prompt. But the hostname is not easy to see from outside the container. It will not appear in docker ps nor in the /etc/hosts file of any other container.
      • --link=CONTAINER_NAME:ALIAS — using this option as you run a container gives the new container's /etc/hosts an extra entry named ALIAS that points to the IP address of the container named CONTAINER_NAME. This lets processes inside the new container connect to the hostname ALIAS without having to know its IP. The --link= option is discussed in more detail below, in the section Communication between containers. Because Docker may assign a different IP address to the linked containers on restart, Docker updates the ALIAS entry in the /etc/hosts file of the recipient containers.
      • --dns=IP_ADDRESS... — sets the IP addresses added as server lines to the container's /etc/resolv.conf file. Processes in the container, when confronted with a hostname not in /etc/hosts, will connect to these IP addresses on port 53 looking for name resolution services.
      • --dns-search=DOMAIN... — sets the domain names that are searched when a bare unqualified hostname is used inside of the container, by writing search lines into the container's /etc/resolv.conf. When a container process attempts to access host and the search domain is set, for instance, the DNS logic will not only look up host but also
      Note that Docker, in the absence of either of the last two options above, will make /etc/resolv.conf inside of each container look like the /etc/resolv.conf of the host machine where the docker daemon is running. The options then modify this default configuration.

      Communication between containers and the wider world

      Whether a container can talk to the world is governed by one main factor.
      Is the host machine willing to forward IP packets? This is governed by the ip_forward system parameter. Packets can only pass between containers if this parameter is 1. Usually you will simply leave the Docker server at its default setting --ip-forward=true and Docker will go set ip_forward to 1 for you when the server starts up. To check the setting or turn it on manually:
      # Usually not necessary: turning on forwarding,
      # on the host where your Docker server is running
      $ cat /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward
      $ sudo echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward
      $ cat /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward
      Many using Docker will want ip_forward to be on, to at least make communication possible between containers and the wider world.
      May also be needed for inter-container communication if you are in a multiple bridge setup.

      Communication between containers

      Whether two containers can communicate is governed, at the operating system level, by two factors.
      1. Does the network topology even connect the containers' network interfaces? By default Docker will attach all containers to a single docker0 bridge, providing a path for packets to travel between them. See the later sections of this document for other possible topologies.
      2. Do your iptables allow this particular connection to be made? Docker will never make changes to your system iptables rules if you set --iptables=false when the daemon starts. Otherwise the Docker server will add a default rule to the FORWARD chain with a blanket ACCEPT policy if you retain the default --icc=true, or else will set the policy to DROP if --icc=false.
      It is a strategic question whether to leave --icc=true or change it to --icc=false (on Ubuntu, by editing the DOCKER_OPTS variable in /etc/default/docker and restarting the Docker server) so that iptables will protect other containers — and the main host — from having arbitrary ports probed or accessed by a container that gets compromised.
      If you choose the most secure setting of --icc=false, then how can containers communicate in those cases where you want them to provide each other services?
      The answer is the --link=CONTAINER_NAME:ALIAS option, which was mentioned in the previous section because of its effect upon name services. If the Docker daemon is running with both --icc=false and --iptables=true then, when it sees docker run invoked with the --link= option, the Docker server will insert a pair of iptables ACCEPT rules so that the new container can connect to the ports exposed by the other container — the ports that it mentioned in the EXPOSE lines of its Dockerfile. Docker has more documentation on this subject — see the linking Docker containers page for further details.
      Note: The value CONTAINER_NAME in --link= must either be an auto-assigned Docker name like stupefied_pare or else the name you assigned with --name= when you ran docker run. It cannot be a hostname, which Docker will not recognize in the context of the --link= option.
      You can run the iptables command on your Docker host to see whether the FORWARD chain has a default policy of ACCEPT or DROP:
      # When --icc=false, you should see a DROP rule:
      $ sudo iptables -L -n
      Chain FORWARD (policy ACCEPT)
      target     prot opt source               destination
      DROP       all  --  
      # When a --link= has been created under --icc=false,
      # you should see port-specific ACCEPT rules overriding
      # the subsequent DROP policy for all other packets:
      $ sudo iptables -L -n
      Chain FORWARD (policy ACCEPT)
      target     prot opt source               destination
      ACCEPT     tcp  --            tcp spt:80
      ACCEPT     tcp  --            tcp dpt:80
      DROP       all  --  
      Note: Docker is careful that its host-wide iptables rules fully expose containers to each other's raw IP addresses, so connections from one container to another should always appear to be originating from the first container's own IP address.

      Binding container ports to the host

      By default Docker containers can make connections to the outside world, but the outside world cannot connect to containers. Each outgoing connection will appear to originate from one of the host machine's own IP addresses thanks to an iptables masquerading rule on the host machine that the Docker server creates when it starts:
      # You can see that the Docker server creates a
      # masquerade rule that let containers connect
      # to IP addresses in the outside world:
      $ sudo iptables -t nat -L -n
      Chain POSTROUTING (policy ACCEPT)
      target     prot opt source               destination
      MASQUERADE  all  --       !
      But if you want containers to accept incoming connections, you will need to provide special options when invoking docker run. These options are covered in more detail in the Docker User Guide page. There are two approaches.
      First, you can supply -P or --publish-all=true|false to docker run which is a blanket operation that identifies every port with an EXPOSE line in the image's Dockerfile and maps it to a host port somewhere in the range 49153–65535. This tends to be a bit inconvenient, since you then have to run other docker sub-commands to learn which external port a given service was mapped to.
      More convenient is the -p SPEC or --publish=SPEC option which lets you be explicit about exactly which external port on the Docker server — which can be any port at all, not just those in the 49153-65535 block — you want mapped to which port in the container.
      Either way, you should be able to peek at what Docker has accomplished in your network stack by examining your NAT tables.
      # What your NAT rules might look like when Docker
      # is finished setting up a -P forward:
      $ iptables -t nat -L -n
      Chain DOCKER (2 references)
      target     prot opt source               destination
      DNAT       tcp  --              tcp dpt:49153 to:
      # What your NAT rules might look like when Docker
      # is finished setting up a -p 80:80 forward:
      Chain DOCKER (2 references)
      target     prot opt source               destination
      DNAT       tcp  --              tcp dpt:80 to:
      You can see that Docker has exposed these container ports on, the wildcard IP address that will match any possible incoming port on the host machine. If you want to be more restrictive and only allow container services to be contacted through a specific external interface on the host machine, you have two choices. When you invoke docker run you can use either -p IP:host_port:container_port or -p IP::port to specify the external interface for one particular binding.
      Or if you always want Docker port forwards to bind to one specific IP address, you can edit your system-wide Docker server settings (on Ubuntu, by editing DOCKER_OPTS in /etc/default/docker) and add the option --ip=IP_ADDRESS. Remember to restart your Docker server after editing this setting.
      Again, this topic is covered without all of these low-level networking details in the Docker User Guide document if you would like to use that as your port redirection reference instead.

      Customizing docker0

      By default, the Docker server creates and configures the host system's docker0 interface as an Ethernet bridge inside the Linux kernel that can pass packets back and forth between other physical or virtual network interfaces so that they behave as a single Ethernet network.
      Docker configures docker0 with an IP address and netmask so the host machine can both receive and send packets to containers connected to the bridge, and gives it an MTU — the maximum transmission unit or largest packet length that the interface will allow — of either 1,500 bytes or else a more specific value copied from the Docker host's interface that supports its default route. Both are configurable at server startup:
      • --bip=CIDR — supply a specific IP address and netmask for the docker0 bridge, using standard CIDR notation like
      • --mtu=BYTES — override the maximum packet length on docker0.
      On Ubuntu you would add these to the DOCKER_OPTS setting in /etc/default/docker on your Docker host and restarting the Docker service.
      Once you have one or more containers up and running, you can confirm that Docker has properly connected them to the docker0 bridge by running the brctl command on the host machine and looking at the interfaces column of the output. Here is a host with two different containers connected:
      # Display bridge info
      $ sudo brctl show
      bridge name     bridge id               STP enabled     interfaces
      docker0         8000.3a1d7362b4ee       no              veth65f9
      If the brctl command is not installed on your Docker host, then on Ubuntu you should be able to run sudo apt-get install bridge-utils to install it.
      Finally, the docker0 Ethernet bridge settings are used every time you create a new container. Docker selects a free IP address from the range available on the bridge each time you docker run a new container, and configures the container's eth0 interface with that IP address and the bridge's netmask. The Docker host's own IP address on the bridge is used as the default gateway by which each container reaches the rest of the Internet.
      # The network, as seen from a container
      $ sudo docker run -i -t --rm base /bin/bash
      $$ ip addr show eth0
      24: eth0: <BROADCAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc pfifo_fast state UP group default qlen 1000
          link/ether 32:6f:e0:35:57:91 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
          inet scope global eth0
             valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
          inet6 fe80::306f:e0ff:fe35:5791/64 scope link
             valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
      $$ ip route
      default via dev eth0 dev eth0  proto kernel  scope link  src
      $$ exit
      Remember that the Docker host will not be willing to forward container packets out on to the Internet unless its ip_forward system setting is 1 — see the section above on Communication between containers for details.

      Building your own bridge

      If you want to take Docker out of the business of creating its own Ethernet bridge entirely, you can set up your own bridge before starting Docker and use -b BRIDGE or --bridge=BRIDGE to tell Docker to use your bridge instead. If you already have Docker up and running with its old docker0 still configured, you will probably want to begin by stopping the service and removing the interface:
      # Stopping Docker and removing docker0
      $ sudo service docker stop
      $ sudo ip link set dev docker0 down
      $ sudo brctl delbr docker0
      Then, before starting the Docker service, create your own bridge and give it whatever configuration you want. Here we will create a simple enough bridge that we really could just have used the options in the previous section to customize docker0, but it will be enough to illustrate the technique.
      # Create our own bridge
      $ sudo brctl addbr bridge0
      $ sudo ip addr add dev bridge0
      $ sudo ip link set dev bridge0 up
      # Confirming that our bridge is up and running
      $ ip addr show bridge0
      4: bridge0: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST> mtu 1500 qdisc noop state UP group default
          link/ether 66:38:d0:0d:76:18 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
          inet scope global bridge0
             valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
      # Tell Docker about it and restart (on Ubuntu)
      $ echo 'DOCKER_OPTS="-b=bridge0"' >> /etc/default/docker
      $ sudo service docker start
      The result should be that the Docker server starts successfully and is now prepared to bind containers to the new bridge. After pausing to verify the bridge's configuration, try creating a container — you will see that its IP address is in your new IP address range, which Docker will have auto-detected.
      Just as we learned in the previous section, you can use the brctl show command to see Docker add and remove interfaces from the bridge as you start and stop containers, and can run ip addr and ip route inside a container to see that it has been given an address in the bridge's IP address range and has been told to use the Docker host's IP address on the bridge as its default gateway to the rest of the Internet.

      How Docker networks a container

      While Docker is under active development and continues to tweak and improve its network configuration logic, the shell commands in this section are rough equivalents to the steps that Docker takes when configuring networking for each new container.
      Let's review a few basics.
      To communicate using the Internet Protocol (IP), a machine needs access to at least one network interface at which packets can be sent and received, and a routing table that defines the range of IP addresses reachable through that interface. Network interfaces do not have to be physical devices. In fact, the lo loopback interface available on every Linux machine (and inside each Docker container) is entirely virtual — the Linux kernel simply copies loopback packets directly from the sender's memory into the receiver's memory.
      Docker uses special virtual interfaces to let containers communicate with the host machine — pairs of virtual interfaces called “peers” that are linked inside of the host machine's kernel so that packets can travel between them. They are simple to create, as we will see in a moment.
      The steps with which Docker configures a container are:
      1. Create a pair of peer virtual interfaces.
      2. Give one of them a unique name like veth65f9, keep it inside of the main Docker host, and bind it to docker0 or whatever bridge Docker is supposed to be using.
      3. Toss the other interface over the wall into the new container (which will already have been provided with an lo interface) and rename it to the much prettier name eth0 since, inside of the container's separate and unique network interface namespace, there are no physical interfaces with which this name could collide.
      4. Give the container's eth0 a new IP address from within the bridge's range of network addresses, and set its default route to the IP address that the Docker host owns on the bridge.
      With these steps complete, the container now possesses an eth0 (virtual) network card and will find itself able to communicate with other containers and the rest of the Internet.
      You can opt out of the above process for a particular container by giving the --net= option to docker run, which takes four possible values.
      • --net=bridge — The default action, that connects the container to the Docker bridge as described above.
      • --net=host — Tells Docker to skip placing the container inside of a separate network stack. In essence, this choice tells Docker to not containerize the container's networking! While container processes will still be confined to their own filesystem and process list and resource limits, a quick ip addr command will show you that, network-wise, they live “outside” in the main Docker host and have full access to its network interfaces. Note that this does not let the container reconfigure the host network stack — that would require --privileged=true — but it does let container processes open low-numbered ports like any other root process. It also allows the container to access local network services like D-bus. This can lead to processes in the container being able to do unexpected things like restart your computer. You should use this option with caution.
      • --net=container:NAME_or_ID — Tells Docker to put this container's processes inside of the network stack that has already been created inside of another container. The new container's processes will be confined to their own filesystem and process list and resource limits, but will share the same IP address and port numbers as the first container, and processes on the two containers will be able to connect to each other over the loopback interface.
      • --net=none — Tells Docker to put the container inside of its own network stack but not to take any steps to configure its network, leaving you free to build any of the custom configurations explored in the last few sections of this document.
      To get an idea of the steps that are necessary if you use --net=none as described in that last bullet point, here are the commands that you would run to reach roughly the same configuration as if you had let Docker do all of the configuration:
      # At one shell, start a container and
      # leave its shell idle and running
      $ sudo docker run -i -t --rm --net=none base /bin/bash
      # At another shell, learn the container process ID
      # and create its namespace entry in /var/run/netns/
      # for the "ip netns" command we will be using below
      $ sudo docker inspect -f '{{.State.Pid}}' 63f36fc01b5f
      $ pid=2778
      $ sudo mkdir -p /var/run/netns
      $ sudo ln -s /proc/$pid/ns/net /var/run/netns/$pid
      # Check the bridge's IP address and netmask
      $ ip addr show docker0
      21: docker0: ...
      inet scope global docker0
      # Create a pair of "peer" interfaces A and B,
      # bind the A end to the bridge, and bring it up
      $ sudo ip link add A type veth peer name B
      $ sudo brctl addif docker0 A
      $ sudo ip link set A up
      # Place B inside the container's network namespace,
      # rename to eth0, and activate it with a free IP
      $ sudo ip link set B netns $pid
      $ sudo ip netns exec $pid ip link set dev B name eth0
      $ sudo ip netns exec $pid ip link set eth0 up
      $ sudo ip netns exec $pid ip addr add dev eth0
      $ sudo ip netns exec $pid ip route add default via
      At this point your container should be able to perform networking operations as usual.
      When you finally exit the shell and Docker cleans up the container, the network namespace is destroyed along with our virtual eth0 — whose destruction in turn destroys interface A out in the Docker host and automatically un-registers it from the docker0 bridge. So everything gets cleaned up without our having to run any extra commands! Well, almost everything:
      # Clean up dangling symlinks in /var/run/netns
      find -L /var/run/netns -type l -delete
      Also note that while the script above used modern ip command instead of old deprecated wrappers like ipconfig and route, these older commands would also have worked inside of our container. The ip addr command can be typed as ip a if you are in a hurry.
      Finally, note the importance of the ip netns exec command, which let us reach inside and configure a network namespace as root. The same commands would not have worked if run inside of the container, because part of safe containerization is that Docker strips container processes of the right to configure their own networks. Using ip netns exec is what let us finish up the configuration without having to take the dangerous step of running the container itself with --privileged=true.

      Tools and Examples

      Before diving into the following sections on custom network topologies, you might be interested in glancing at a few external tools or examples of the same kinds of configuration. Here are two:
      • Jérôme Petazzoni has created a pipework shell script to help you connect together containers in arbitrarily complex scenarios:
      • Brandon Rhodes has created a whole network topology of Docker containers for the next edition of Foundations of Python Network Programming that includes routing, NAT'd firewalls, and servers that offer HTTP, SMTP, POP, IMAP, Telnet, SSH, and FTP:
      Both tools use networking commands very much like the ones you saw in the previous section, and will see in the following sections.

      Building a point-to-point connection

      By default, Docker attaches all containers to the virtual subnet implemented by docker0. You can create containers that are each connected to some different virtual subnet by creating your own bridge as shown in Building your own bridge, starting each container with docker run --net=none, and then attaching the containers to your bridge with the shell commands shown in How Docker networks a container.
      But sometimes you want two particular containers to be able to communicate directly without the added complexity of both being bound to a host-wide Ethernet bridge.
      The solution is simple: when you create your pair of peer interfaces, simply throw both of them into containers, and configure them as classic point-to-point links. The two containers will then be able to communicate directly (provided you manage to tell each container the other's IP address, of course). You might adjust the instructions of the previous section to go something like this:
      # Start up two containers in two terminal windows
      $ sudo docker run -i -t --rm --net=none base /bin/bash
      $ sudo docker run -i -t --rm --net=none base /bin/bash
      # Learn the container process IDs
      # and create their namespace entries
      $ sudo docker inspect -f '{{.State.Pid}}' 1f1f4c1f931a
      $ sudo docker inspect -f '{{.State.Pid}}' 12e343489d2f
      $ sudo mkdir -p /var/run/netns
      $ sudo ln -s /proc/2989/ns/net /var/run/netns/2989
      $ sudo ln -s /proc/3004/ns/net /var/run/netns/3004
      # Create the "peer" interfaces and hand them out
      $ sudo ip link add A type veth peer name B
      $ sudo ip link set A netns 2989
      $ sudo ip netns exec 2989 ip addr add dev A
      $ sudo ip netns exec 2989 ip link set A up
      $ sudo ip netns exec 2989 ip route add dev A
      $ sudo ip link set B netns 3004
      $ sudo ip netns exec 3004 ip addr add dev B
      $ sudo ip netns exec 3004 ip link set B up
      $ sudo ip netns exec 3004 ip route add dev B
      The two containers should now be able to ping each other and make connections successfully. Point-to-point links like this do not depend on a subnet nor a netmask, but on the bare assertion made by ip route that some other single IP address is connected to a particular network interface.
      Note that point-to-point links can be safely combined with other kinds of network connectivity — there is no need to start the containers with --net=none if you want point-to-point links to be an addition to the container's normal networking instead of a replacement.
      A final permutation of this pattern is to create the point-to-point link between the Docker host and one container, which would allow the host to communicate with that one container on some single IP address and thus communicate “out-of-band” of the bridge that connects the other, more usual containers. But unless you have very specific networking needs that drive you to such a solution, it is probably far preferable to use --icc=false to lock down inter-container communication, as we explored earlier.

      Editing networking config files

      Starting with Docker v.1.2.0, you can now edit /etc/hosts, /etc/hostname and /etc/resolve.conf in a running container. This is useful if you need to install bind or other services that might override one of those files.
      Note, however, that changes to these files will not be saved by docker commit, nor will they be saved during docker run. That means they won't be saved in the image, nor will they persist when a container is restarted; they will only "stick" in a running container.


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